utorak, 31. siječnja 2012.


 Happiness is important. Smile. Please.

četvrtak, 26. siječnja 2012.

                                                    Wish I was born in another time

As the title says itself, I wish I was born sooner, mybe in the 60's or 70's. Back then society had different perceptive of value and what is important. Sometimes I wish men still think of beauty in the concept of Marilyn Monroe, I wish we had more freedom and ''loud emotions''. It would be better if it was like back then when school was not that big of an issue, when it was important to show up on a gathering every Saturday or going dancing on a cold Friday night. Our society lost some of that ''mojo'' , they lost the connection between people.

srijeda, 25. siječnja 2012.

Let's preserve some oldies but goodies. Save memories, save the enviroment.

Introduction unknown.

Hello fellow bloggers !

I don't exactly know why I started blogging. Maybe I need some more personal way to leave a mark online. Facebook is not personal, private or ''yours'' anymore. After a few tragedies in my life I realised that you need to work harder to achieve your goals or dreams and that all the time of this world is not enough. I don't what is going to happen on or with this blog, but we'll see. Hopefully you'll sometimes enjoy my taste, stupidity or lack of inspiration.